Before you think about how to reduce one of this values, you should check salinity. Salinity has direct influence also on concentration of Calcium, Magnesium as well as Alkalinity/Carbonate hardness.
Concentration of Ca/Alk/Mg can be raised by adding chemicals, but cannot be reduced easily! If your values are to high, you can use one or more of these options:
Don’t raise Ca anymore but raise Alkalinity by adding NaHCO3 (NatriumHydrogenCarbonates). This will precipitate odd Calcium as CalciumCarbonates.
Control and maybe clean your pumps afterwards (risk of damage by adhering lime)
Don’t raise Alkalinity anymore, but raise Calcium by adding CaCl2 2xH20 (CalciumChlorid DiHydrat). This will precipitate odd Carbonates as CalciumCarbonates.
Control and maybe clean your pumps afterwards (risk of damage by adhering lime)