
The reference tool for enthusiastic reefers

AquaCalculator is the must-have tool for Reefers.

Main focus are Reef-Tanks but the documentation and others functions can also perfectly be used to document your freshwater tank.



AquaCalculator is here to help you with your daily aquarium maintenance tasks. It is available for all relevant operating systems and devices.

Download on the App Store

For AquaCalculator, one annual licence is required for each operating system.
Apple (iOS, iPadOS, macOS, VisionOS)

Aquarium documentation

  • Manage any number of aquariums
  • Documentation of measured values (over 50 parameters suitable for all salt / fresh / cold and brackish water aquariums)
  • Tabular and graphical representation over time
  • Analyse deviations from optimal parameters
  • Capture images and comments to document the development of your tank

Animal management

  • Manage your animals and keep the overview
  • All remarks and pictures can be assigned to animals

Data synchronisation & backup

  • Own system-independent cloud solution
  • Sync your data across all your devices
  • Platform and system independent
  • All installed AquaCalculator versions have access to the specially developed cloud solution (aCloud).
  • Synchronise your water values, animals and settings between any number of devices.
  • Secure your data and simplify switching to other devices

Salt calculator

  • Calculate the actual amount of salt needed for water changes or adjustment of the salt content of almost all sea salt mixtures available.
  • Support for numerous salt mixtures (LINK)

Salinity assistant

  • Answers your questions on the subject of salinity and corresponding measuring methods


  • Solve algae problems and create optimal conditions for sensitive corals.
  • Use the integrated mixing/dosing instructions to specifically reduce or increase your nitrate and phosphate levels. ( List of included recipes/products )

Assistant nutrients

  • Answers your questions about nutrient content including an analysis of your measured values.

Dosage quantities/trace elements

  • Super accurate and easy to use balling calculator for correction as well as permanent adjustment of calcium, carbonate hardness and magnesium.
  • Mixing and dosing is easier than ever before! ( List of included recipes/products )

Dosage change

  • You want to switch from one formula to another ‘we will tell you the dosage amounts that correspond to an equivalent supply.

Lime reactors

  • We show you how to set up and adjust Ca reactors correctly.

Lime water method

  • Here are mixing and dosing instructions for lime water....

Convert units

  • Simply convert between all measurands used in aquaristics


  • The most frequently asked questions from marine aquarium enthusiasts answered "in a nutshell".

Seawater FAQs

  • Access to several hundred pages of e-papers with detailed information on care and problem solving in marine aquariums.

salt adoption


The AquaCalculator supports numerous salts for the adjustment of the salinity

AMA - Royal Nature trop. sea salt

AQ-Systems - Instant Ocean

AQ-Systems - Reef Crystals

Aqua Craft - Coral Marine sea salt

Aqua Craft - Marine Environm.2 part reef formula

Aqua Marina - One for all salt

Aqua Marina - Professionel salt

Aqua Medic - BioSal

Aqua Medic - Reef Salt

Aqua Medic - Reef Salt coral

Aqua Medic - Sea Salt

AQUA Trace Care - Coral Prem.

Aquaforest - Hybrid Pro Salt

Aquaforest - Probiotic Reef Salt

Aquaforest - Probiotica Reef salt (alt)

Aquaforest - Reef Salt

Aquaforest - Reef salt (alt)

Aquaforest - Reef Salt+

Aquaforest - Sea Salt

Aquaforest - Sea salt (alt)

AquaLight - Aquatic Marine

Aquarium Schober - Meersalz

Aqzeno - Professional reef salt

ATI - Absolute Ocean

ATI - Coral Ocean

ATI - Coral Ocean Plus

ATS - Quality Premium

Brightwel Aquatics - NeoMarine

Colombo - Pro Reef Salt

Coral Master - Premium Reef

Coral-Care - TOP sea salt

Coral-Reef - Exclusiv

Coral-Reef - Premium

Coral-Reef-Equipment - Meersalz

Coral-Shop - Marine Salz

Coralife - Salt

Crystal sea - Marinemix

D&D Aquarium solutions - H2Ocean

Deep Blue - sea salt

Dennerle - Nano Marinus reef salt

Dupla Marin - Amino Active

Dupla Marin - Basic Ocean Sea Salt

Dupla Marin - Premium reef salt

Dupla Marin - Premium Salt

Dupla Marin - Premium sea salt


Fauna Marin - Professional sea salt

Fauna Marin - Professional sea salt (alt)

Fritz ProAquatics - Reef Pro Mix (RPM)

Grotech - Coral Marine

Grotech - Coral Marine EasyMix

HP Aquar. - Reef High Energie

HW - Marine Mix Professional

HW - Marine Mix Reefer

Kent - Sea salt

Kent Marine - Reef Salt Mix

Korallenzucht - Reefers Best Coral Reef

KZ Pohl - Reefers Best Premium

MeerwassserWelt - Riff und Korallensalz

Microbe-Lift - Organic Active Salt

Microbe-Lift - Premium Reef Salt

Microbe-Lift - Premium Reef Salt (<=2015)

Microbe-Lift - Reef Salt

Nyos - Pure Salt Mix

Nyos - Royal Atlantic (High energy reefing)

Plankton Plus - Reef Salt Classic

Preis - Meersalz

Red Sea - Coral Pro

Red Sea - Coral Pro (<09/2011)

Red Sea - Sea salt

Red Sea - Sea Salt (<09/2011)

RedCoral - Sea Salt

Reef Project - Brilliant Colors

Reef Revolution - Premium Meersalz

Ricordea - Coral farm salt

Riffsystem - Reef salt

Royal Nature - Adv. Pro Formula Salt

Royal Nature - ION BALANCED PRO Reef Salt

Schraders - Reefsalt Blue lagoon

SeaChem - Marine salt

SeaChem - Reef salt

Sera Marin - Basic salt

Sera Marin - Reef salt

Silbermann - Pro color dKH0

Silbermann - Pro color dKH5,5

Silbermann - Pro color dKH8

Swiss Rainbow Reef - Breeders best

Terra Nova - Optimum Sea Prof.

Tetra Marin - Sea salt

Timo - Premium Salt

Timo - Reef Salt

Tropic Marin - Bio-Actif Sea Salt

Tropic Marin - Pro Reef

Tropic Marin - Pro-Reef

Tropic Marin - Salt

Tropic Marin - Syn Biotic

Tropical Wave - Sea salt

Wagner - Premium Meersalz CORAL

Welke - Meersalz

Adjustment Ca / Alk / Mg

Recipes for adapting Ca / Alk / Mg

The AquaCalculator supports numerous recipes for adjusting calcium, alkalinity and magnesium

Alschers Zoof. - Balling 5 in 1 Komplett

Aqua Biotica (Mrutzek) - Klassik

Aqua Biotica (Mrutzek) - Klassik PLUS

Aqua Biotica (Mrutzek) - Liquido

Aqua Biotica (Mrutzek) - Liquido (Mg konz.)

Aqua Light

Aqua Light + NaCl freies Salz

Aqua Light Mg Bio-Power

Aqua Light Mg Bio-Power + NaCl freies Salz


Aquaforest - Ca,KH,Mg Plus

Aquaforest - Ca,KH,Mg Plus + Components ABC

Aquaforest - Comp. 1+2+3+ (Macro/Micro El. Lösungen)

Aquaforest - COMPONENTS 1+2+3+ "Mix your own!"

Aquaforest - Components Pro (Macro/Micro El. Lösungen)

Aquaforest Agents

Aquaforest Agents (+Mg)

Aquaforest Agents (+Mg) + "Strong components"

Aquaforest Agents + "Strong components"

ATI Essentials 1000ml altern. Anwendung

ATI Essentials 500ml altern. Anwendung

ATI Essentials 500ml Opt.A/<150L altern. Anwendung

ATI Essentials Pro

ATI Essentials Pro verdünnt 2->10L

ATI Essentials Pro verdünnt 2->5L

ATI Essentials+

ATI Essentials+ verdünnt 2,7->10,8L

ATI Essentials+ verdünnt 2,7->5,4L

ATI Nano Essentials

Bartelt - Balling

Bartelt - Elements

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code + Spuries

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code +Mg

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code +Mg + Spuries

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code-P

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code-P + Spuries

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code-P +Mg

Brightwell Aq. - Reef Code-P +Mg + Spuries

Bulk Reef Supply 2-part (Bulk)

Bulk Reef Supply 2-part (Pre portioned)

Colombo - Reef Start/Basis (Pulver)

Colombo - Reef Start/Basis Liquid

Continuum Aquatics - Reef Basis

Continuum Aquatics - Reef Basis + Spuries

Continuum Aquatics - Reef sculpture

Continuum Aquatics - Reef sculpture + Spuries

Continuum Aquatics - Reef sculpture +Mg

Continuum Aquatics - Reef sculpture +Mg + Spuries

Coral-care Ca,KH,Mg-Plus + Element-Mix

Coral-care Ca,KH,Mg-Plus + Element-Mix + Strontium

CoralEssentials Ca-Carb-Mg UP

CoralEssentials Parts ABC

CoralEssentials PrimareCare +Trace

Dutch Synthetic reefing - DSR EZ

Eigene Rezeptur

ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System

ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System + Mg

Fauna Marin - Balling Light ®

Fauna Marin - Balling Light ® (<04/2021)

Fauna Marin - ELEMENTALS

Fauna Marin - Ready 2 Reef

Fritz ProAquatics

Fritz ProAquatics (bei niedrigen pH)

Grotech - Balling BASIC

Grotech - BASIC

H.W. Balling (mod. für Becken mit niedrigem pH-Wert)

H.W. Balling (Original)

HS aqua Balling

Kent Marine Tech CB

Kent Marine Tech CB +M

Mainriff (R)

Marine Art - Wasserzusätze

MICROBE-LIFT - BASIC als Konzentrat

MICROBE-LIFT - BASIC als Stammlösung

MICROBE-LIFT - BASIC gemischtes Riff

MICROBE-LIFT - BASIC gemischtes Riff





MICROBE-LIFT - BASIC+Elementals als Konzentrat

MICROBE-LIFT - BASIC+Elementals Stammlösung

MICROBE-LIFT - Reef Basics (Pulver)

MICROBE-LIFT - Reef Basics + Komplex

MT-Aquaristik - Reef Elements "All-Inclusive"

MT-Aquaristik - Reef Elements "Classic"

NYOS - ION-B Liquid

NYOS - ION-B Powder-Mix

NYOS - Salze Ca,KH,Mg

NYOS - Salze Ca,KH,Mg + Spurenelemente

Oceamo DUO

Oceamo DUO + Regulator

PlanktonPlus - Reef Complete

Preis Aquaristik Classic

Preis Aquaristik Light

Randy Holmes Farley's 2-part #1 +part 3a

Randy Holmes Farley's 2-part #1"waterfree" +part 3a

Randy Holmes Farley's 2-part #2 +part 3a

Randy Holmes Farley's 2-part #2"waterfree" +part 3a

Ratgeber Meerwasserchemie (A.Glaser)

Red Sea - Reef Foundation "Liquid"

Red Sea - Reef Foundation "Liquid" + Coral Colors

Red Sea - Reef Foundation "Liquid" + Coral Colors vor 10/2018

Red Sea - Reef Foundation "Liquid" vor 10/2018

Red Sea - Reef Foundation "Powder"

Red Sea - Reef Foundation "Powder" + Coral Colors

Reef Factory - Smart Components

Reef Zlements - Z-Complete

Reef Zlements - Z-pHplus

Reeflowers - Blend + IONIC

Reeflowers - PURE + IONIC

Sangokai BALANCE-System

Seachem - Liquid Reef

Seachem - Reef Advantage

Seachem - Reef Fusion


Tropic Marin - AllForReef

Tropic Marin BIO Ca. ACTIF - Liquid Refill + K/A-Elements

Tropic Marin BIO Ca. ACTIF - Liquid Set + K/A-Elements

Tropic Marin BIO Ca. ORI.BALLING - Liquid Set + K/A-Elements

Tropic Marin BIO Ca. ORI.BALLING + K/A-Elements

Tropic Marin BIO-CALCIUM ACTIF - Liquid Refill

Tropic Marin BIO-CALCIUM ACTIF - Liquid Set



Tropic Marin Original Balling - Liquid Set

Tropic Marin Original Balling - Liquid Set + K/A-Elements

Tropic Marin Original Balling Components

Tropic Marin Original Balling Components + K/A-Elements

Two Little Fishies C-Balance

Zoanthus Balling

Zoanthus Balling "Na2CO3"

Zoanthus Balling "Na2CO3" +Mg

Zoanthus Balling +Mg

nutrient reduction

Recipes for nutrient reduction

The AquaCalculator supports numerous recipes for reducing nutrients

Aktiv-BAK food for filter bacteria

For purely biological degradation of nitrate and phosphate. Serves as food for the naturally occurring filter bacteria. Activates strong growth of biomass.

Aktiv-BAK food for filter bacteria

For purely biological degradation of nitrate and phosphate. Serves as food for the naturally occurring filter bacteria. Activates strong growth of biomass.

AquaForest: -NP Pro

Liquid polymer supporting probiotic bacteria growth Converts unwanted NO3, PO4 into skimmable biomass Recommended to use together with Pro Bio S

DIY NO3:PO4-X #1 (Fish and Soft Coral aquariums)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure No3 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: No3 stable at ~2,5 [mg/l]

DIY NO3:PO4-X #1 (Mixed reef incl. SPS)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure NO3/PO4 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: NO3/PO4 stable at ~0,25 /~0,02 [mg/l]

DIY NO3:PO4-X #2 (Fish and Soft Coral aquariums)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure No3 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: No3 stable at ~2,5 [mg/l]

DIY NO3:PO4-X #2 (Mixed reef incl. SPS)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure NO3/PO4 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: NO3/PO4 stable at ~0,25 /~0,02 [mg/l]

DIY NO3:PO4-X #3 (Fish and Soft Coral aquariums)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure No3 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: No3 stable at ~2,5 [mg/l]

DIY NO3:PO4-X #3 (Mixed reef incl. SPS)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure NO3/PO4 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: NO3/PO4 stable at ~0,25 /~0,02 [mg/l]

EZ DSR: Instant dosing solution for nutrient control

Reduces NO3 and PO4. Serves as food for healthy bacteria cultures. Start dosage. Can still be increased.

Fauna Marin: BACTO Energy

Carbon source for an optimal supply of bacteria that break down pollutants. This binds or breaks down NO2/NO3/PO4. Suitable for aquariums with/without zeolite filtering. Reduce dosage when using phosphate adsorber at the same time.

Fauna Marin: UltraBak

Causes strong proliferation of denitrifying filter bacteria This results in reduction NO2/NO3/PO4 Suitable for aquariums with /without zeolite filtering Reduce dosing if you also use a phosphate adsorber

RedSea: NO3:PO4-X (Enhanced coloration LPS/SPS)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure No3/Po4 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: NO3>=0,25[mg/l] PO4>=0,02[mg/l]

RedSea: NO3:PO4-X (Fish and soft coral aquariums)

Reduces NO3/PO4 in a balanced ratio. Measure NO3 1x/week and adjust the dosage accordingly Target: NO3 stable at 2,5[mg/l]

Tropic Marin - Elimini Phos

Carbon source for an optimal supply of bacteria that break down pollutants. This binds or breaks down NO2/NO3/PO4. Suitable for aquariums with/without zeolite filtering. Reduce dosage when using phosphate adsorber at the same time.

Vinegar dosing

Reduces especially NO3, but also PO4 From the 15th day the required dosing quantity should have established. Usually this reduces to about 50% of the amount of day 8..14

Vodka Method

Reduces especially NO3, but also PO4 From the 15th day the required dosing quantity should have established. Usually this reduces to about 50% of the amount of day 8..14


The AquaCalculator Team

get in touch with us

Martin Kuhn

AquaCalculator for Windows

  • FAQs and Tutorials
  • general questions

Michel Mohrmann

AuqaCalculator for apple plattforms

(Thallos Software)

  • Homepage
  • AuqaCalculator Portal
  • aCalc Cloud

Alexander Karkossa

AquaCalculator for Android

Perfect Reefer Tool.

The people or individual who made this application must not only be a fellow reefer but a great designer and innovator. The app is packed with useful knowledge, conversions and methods to reach and maintain targeted goals. This app will help me save time, maintains my tank and make changes with confidence. This application is well worth the money. Thank you. I hope my great words encourage you to continue to update and create more useful tools and applications for the reefing community



iOS AppStore



Frequently asked questions about the AquaCalculator

why subscription?

Software is never finished. To finance further development and support, software is traditionally developed in versions. New versions are released at regular intervals, offering new functions and improvements. In order to enjoy the features of a new version, it had to be bought and paid for again.

This classic version model does not exist with AquaCalculator. We constantly integrate new features and provide updates and improvements. To finance the continuous improvements, the support and our powerful backend aCloud, we have decided on a subscription model.

For a very reasonable annual fee you can use the AquaCalculator universe. Of course, you can cancel at any time if you no longer need the services of AquaCalculator.

How many devices can I use with my subscription?

You can use as many devices as you like within one operating system with your licence. Apple requires that they run under the same Apple ID.

What is it about the different versions for iOS?

There are two different versions of the AquaCalculator for iOS.

The “AquaCalculator Classic” has not been further developed since the end of 2018. However, it is still available for buyers of this version and can still be used.

The current version for macOS is the “AquaCalculator”.

If you are still using the “AquaCalculator Classic” (version 3.8.91), we strongly recommend switching to the current version, which can be found as “AquaCalculator” in the AppStore.

What is it about the different versions for macOS?

AquaCalculator for macOS is currently available in two versions.

The AquaCalculator CL (CL = Classic) is the version of the AquaCalculator developed specifically for macOS. It is the solution for all those who still use macOS before the Monterey version. It requires its own licence which cannot be used for iOS / iPadOS. It will continue to receive updates regarding balling recipes, salts and other data, but will no longer be technically developed.

The “AquaCalculator” without CL is the current macOS version. It is developed together with the iOS / iPad version. It runs from macOS BigSur. If your operating system is older, you have to use the “AquaCalculator CL”.

With the “AquaCalculator” for macOS there is a licence for all Apple systems. It is valid for the macOS, iOS and iPadOS versions.

If you use the “AquaCalculator CL”, you should change to the “AquaCalculator”.

Can I use my iOS subscription for macOS, Windows or Android or vice versa?

No. They are each independently developed products, each of which requires its own licence at the moment.

Is there a subscription that allows me to use all versions?

We do not offer so-called cross-licensing models of AquaCalculator. This has several reasons:

  • Contract conditions of the AppStores make such models uninteresting or even impossible. Remember: Apple, Microsoft, Google & Co. want to earn money from the purchases. Cross-licences are therefore a thorn in their side.
  • Large programming effort in the applications and on the server side.
  • We work with 3 programmers on 4 different versions. Fair distribution of income complicated. You pay fair prices and only for the version you use.
  • Fair for you, fair for us…

can I use the code for the Windows version that comes with my Fauna Marin package for iOS, Android or maOS?

No. The use included with Fauna Marin currently only refers to the Windows version. For technical reasons, the licence can unfortunately only be used for the Windows version, as the store systems required on the other platforms Android, iOS and macOS (App Store, Google Play Store) do not provide for “vouchers”.

how can I view, change or cancel subscriptions?

  • iOS You can find detailed information on canceling your subscription here: